Certified in Yoga for Menstrual Wellness!

I just finished a 60 hour, 8 week training in Yoga Therapy for Menstrual Wellness with Yoni Shakti Movement!

ABWY offers therapeutic care for all people who currently or formerly menstruate - those navigating painful or irregular cycles, PCOS, or endometriosis, those exploring perimenopause or officially post menopause, and also those contemplating or recovering from hysterectomies or other pelvic surgeries.

This sector of care is so important to me because its part of my story. When I started spiraling into corporate burnout, my once regular cycle became increasingly irregular and strange. I saw doctors, got vaginal ultrasounds, and did blood panels - and no one could tell me why, or what to do, other than take hormonal birth control.

Studying the nervous system taught me how chronic stress, burnout, and trauma directly impact hormone regulation and in turn, the menstrual cycle. There is no magic yoga pose to fix this, but there is a system of care and an approach to the whole being - physically and emotionally - to regulate stress and process emotions, and to work with the Ayurvedic principles of energies and elements that support cyclical regularity.

Its also very important to me that this care is open to all people who menstruate. Some women will prefer a divine feminine / womanhood approach to menstrual care, and that is understandable! For me, I’m still navigating how to engage with a conversation of the divine feminine that doesn’t feel biologically essentialist. Do we need gender archetypes in the gender expansive, fluid present? But also, I don’t want to overlook the historical and current mistreatment of women, especially in the medical industrial political complex. History is context, context is nuance in the present!

All that to say, I do think menstrual wellness can be gender affirming for everyone! Menstrual consciousness is a radical approach to body intelligence - living in conversation and observation with the inner cycles.

Join me for yoga therapy to support your cyclical wellness!